
Maximizing Value Through IT Asset Trackability 

By Max Selley | January 24, 2025
Phone using an app to track a truck

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, organizations depend on efficient IT asset management to maintain productivity, security, and cost control. However, many companies struggle with gaps in their IT asset tracking, leading to inefficiencies and potential risks. Understanding the benefits of comprehensive IT asset trackability can unlock significant value for businesses, ensuring they maximize the…

Why Settling for Poor Customer Service in ITAD is No Longer Acceptable 

By Max Selley | January 9, 2025

Introduction  For decades, the IT asset disposition (ITAD) industry has been plagued by low expectations. Many organizations have come to view poor customer service as “normal” in this space—a relic of the past, when ITAD was little more than a person with a truck hauling away old equipment. Today, the IT landscape and the stakes…

Connect 4: Bringing Together the Right Departments for ITAM Success

By Mike Loria | April 16, 2024

Connecting the Dots This past Christmas, my six-year-old son got a few “old fashioned” board games from his grandparents. Soon, the one getting most wear and tear was that classic favorite, Connect 4, the game where you have to align four checkers in a row in any direction, on a vertical board. When we first…

Will the Force Be with Us? Our 2024 ITAM Predictions

By Mike Loria | December 14, 2023

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. I was a huge Star Wars fan.  I never really fell in love with science fiction in general, but when it comes to Star Wars, I was really into it.  So, when I was asked to write a blog about Trends In ITAM, I somehow…

Hidden Savings

By Mike Loria | September 7, 2023

I have this recurring dream that I wouldn’t quite call a nightmare…but I’ll let you decide. The dream is that I’ve died (happily) of old age, but, somehow, I’m in the room watching my attorney read my will to my family. He opens a file, sorts through some paperwork, shifts down his glasses, and soberly…

With workplaces in transition, environmentally friendly Office in a Box keeps Re-Source Partners in growth mode

By Ed Drews | April 13, 2023

Company also recently named Ally Financial 2023 Technology Partner of the Year Troy, Mich.—April 12, 2023—Re-Source Partners, a Michigan-based IT asset management services firm serving national and global companies with a variety of IT asset deployment, warehousing, imaging and disposal services, has seen impressive growth with its proprietary Office in a Box program for remote…

Beyond Equipment: How We became ITAM Lifecycle Experts Part 2

By Mike Loria | April 13, 2023

Earlier this month I shared the plan I had in my twenties to become a millionaire. We all know how that turned out (hint: it involved HP 4000 printers, so, no, money did not fall from the sky!). Pipe dreams aside, twenty-something me did learn more than a few valuable lessons about hardware asset management…

Extra Paper Trays and HP 4000s: How We Became ITAM Lifecycle Experts Part 1

By Mike Loria | March 14, 2023

Extra Paper Trays and HP 4000s: How We Became ITAM Lifecycle Experts Part 1 I remember like it was yesterday.  I was standing next to pallets full of HP 4000 printers.  You might recall these printers from about 20 years ago.  They were exciting—not only because you could add extra paper trays, a duplexer and…

Baseline Inventory and Audit Services

By Anthony | March 30, 2022
baseline inventory and audit services icons collage

Baseline Inventory and Audit Services Asset Managers come to us because they are tired of inconsistent quality, lost equipment, no chain-of-custody, and their inability to manage assets across multiple locations. A baseline inventory gives you accountability and control. This provides your organization accurate data as you transition towards a digital and automated ITAM system. An…

How Ford Misplaced $100K Worth of Leather (& How to Ensure it Doesn’t Happen to your IT Assets)

By Anthony | November 3, 2021
IT assets

Remember that time your company misplaced over $100,000? Someone in your company stored assets in a basement, then moved on from the company, and left no record of this logistical change? Ford does. And all it took to find it was a building demolition. Before the Ford Product Development Center in Dearborn, Michigan got demolished,…

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