Beyond Equipment: How We became ITAM Lifecycle Experts Part 2

Earlier this month I shared the plan I had in my twenties to become a millionaire. We all know how that turned out (hint: it involved HP 4000 printers, so, no, money did not fall from the sky!).

Pipe dreams aside, twenty-something me did learn more than a few valuable lessons about hardware asset management during that first decade of the new millennium. But business models and equipment were changing and changing fast.

How did Re-Source Partners meet that challenge? It started with having real conversations with our customers.

True Partners
As the first decade of the 2000s came to a close, the company continued to grow, particularly in the overall volume of assets processed. But we faced a fundamental challenge: the average recovery value of these assets was dropping as fast as the company was growing. This meant we had to do more with less.

To better manage our business, we looked to the clients hoping they could provide some sort of forecast of what inventories were going to be retired. What we didn’t expect was that many didn’t know the answer to that question.

Digging deeper, we found out that many of our clients didn’t even have accurate inventories and that more than a few were transitioning their ITSM systems to some of the newer tools, particularly ServiceNow.

We knew we had to transform to meet this new world. And we did. Re-Source Partners developed a consulting practice that helped clients organize their inventories and leverage their software tools to better track and maintain their inventories.

Eventually, we developed software and processes to integrate our systems with those of our clients, making for better tracking and record keeping (including data sanitization and recycling certificates). All the time we focused on enabling more meaningful metrics that customers used to make decisions about when to retire IT assets as well as what new assets would deliver the best performance and most value.

Over the last three years, we’ve seen these changes provide more value than we could have ever expected, particularly during the pandemic by helping them organize, integrating with their systems and automating their processes, we’ve helped our clients navigate the dramatic change Covid brought to the workforce landscape.

Supplier of the Year
This year, one of our clients, Ally Financial Services, honored us with their Technology Supplier of the Year award. The awards recognized four key categories: operational excellence; security and data privacy; speed to market; and disruptive innovation, with one supplier, Re-Source Partners, named technology partner of the year. According to Sathish Muthukrishnan, Ally Chief Information, Data & Digital Officer, the winner “showcases the importance and value of superior execution, quality and partnership.”

Being honored in this way means so much to me and the team. It means we’ve achieved the very goals we set out to achieve for the business and all our customers. But we’re not resting on our laurels. The ITAM world continues to change, and we will change with it.

Looking to the Future
As we manage the business today and look to the future, I’m very proud that we’ve evolved into a full-service ITAM lifecycle company. Our depots can be leveraged for storage and delivery; we can image and deploy new hardware; and we can repurpose, redeploy, sell or recycle almost any retired assets. More importantly, we continue to learn, every day, and we continue to employ a wonderful staff committed to growing and evolving.

Over the years Re-Source Partners has developed some very simple core values that have served us well and, I believe, will help us navigate the future. Each and every employee must be able to say, at the end of the day, “when I look at my Re-Flection in the mirror…am I being Re-Sponsible, Re-Liable and Re-Lentless?” Our commitment to these values has helped Re-Source Partners and our clients navigate some very interesting times, but more importantly they give us the confidence to know we will meet the future by finding new ways to bring value to our clients.

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