AMI and Re-Source Partners Combine Top IT Asset Management Software for ServiceNow and Expert Managed Services

Press Release Re-Source Partners and AMI AssetTrack for ServiceNow

Complete hardware lifecycle solution can expedite critical ITAM digital transformation as companies normalize operations  SEATTLE and TROY, MI, June 2, 2020—AMI, the world leader in RFID and barcode IT asset management (ITAM) software, and ITAM managed services leader Re-Source Partners have teamed up to introduce AssetTrack Pro, a compete hardware lifecycle solution. AssetTrack Pro combines…

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Calming the ITAM Chaos During a Crisis

Calming the IT Asset Management Chaos during a crisis

I love a good plan, don’t you? Plans, process, procedures – this is the nature of my work as an IT managed services provider. I’m not alone. All of the companies I’ve talked to in the last 90 days had business continuity plans. Yet none had anticipated the possibility of a months-long pandemic. With almost…

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